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These terms and conditions of use govern the user’s usage of the website hosted at the internet address, including all its sections and areas dedicated to and reserved for registered users. This website, along with the Deeps Gear brand, is the exclusive property of Overmake s.r.l., with head office in Via degli Olmetti 44A B9 – 00060 Formello - Italy, which is registered and managed by the same. These Terms and Conditions of Use, which may be amended by Deeps Gear at its discretion, at any moment and without any prior warning, apply to all visitors and/or users of the website. In accessing or using the website, the user confirms that he/she has accepted these Terms and Conditions of use. Deeps Gear reserves the right to amend the contents of the website at any time, without the need for prior warning. Surfing the website is completely free of charge, access is free and registration is optional.



Copyright 2013-2015 Deeps Gear®, a trademark owned by Overmake srl. All Rights Reserved. All the content of this website is the exclusive property of Overmake srl. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. This website may also contain material that is subject to the copyright rights of their providers.



Some of the product information, illustrations and images contained on this Internet site may have been prepared for generic use, consequently, products may be available in different specifications or configurations. If you are interested in any product shown on the Internet site and are unsure of its availability or specification, you should contact Deeps Gear and/or a local authorized dealer for information of current details.



All prices specified are recommended retail prices. Prices are current at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.

We reserve the right to amend any pricing errors displayed due to human error, computer malfunction or other reason. We will notify you of any error in pricing and you may elect to not purchase any goods where the price has been corrected.



Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on Deeps Gear Internet sites are subject to the trademark rights of Overmake srl, this applies especially to its model name plates, and its corporate logos and emblems.



Deeps Gear has thought to achieve an innovative and informative Internet site. We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, you also need to understand that Deeps Gear must protect their Intellectual Property, including their trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, you are hereby on notice that neither this Internet site, nor any material contained therein shall in any way grant or be taken to grant any person a license to the Deeps Gear Intellectual Property.



This Internet site contains links to external sites, which are not under the control of Deeps Gear. Therefore we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site. Deeps Gear is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Deeps Gear of the linked site.



The Website is offered to the user exclusively “in the state in which it is found”, without guarantees of any kind, nor does it express or imply value of a legal or other variety. No guarantee can be derived from any type of written information supplied by Deeps Gear. To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, neither Deeps Gear nor any of its affiliated and/or controlled companies, along with partners, shareholders, managers, staff, agents, representatives, dealers and representatives of each of the above, may in any case be considered responsible for the user or for third parties, with regard to any damage or loss arising from the use of the website and/or the contents contained therein, or for any information regarding products. This includes all cases of responsibility. Deeps Gear also declines any responsibility for any direct and/or indirect damage, whatever its cause, origin, nature and consequences. In using the Website, the user accepts that, in the case of dissatisfaction arising with regard to the Website, to any part thereof of any service which is supplied through it, or to a clause contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use, the sole and exclusive means of amendment at the disposal of the user consists of ceasing to use the Website. All reference made to any products and/or services which have been or may be supplied by Deeps Gear, or by any other affiliated or controlled company, by means of the website, shall not correspond with a promise that these products or services will be available at any time. Variations or improvements to these products or services may be made at any time without prior communication from Deeps Gear.


Deeps Gear shall make every possible effort to ensure that the Contents of the Website are precise and accurate, but it can in no way guarantee them. In any case Deeps Gear reserves the right, at any time and on each individual occasion, to amend or deactivate the Website temporarily or permanently (or any part thereof) with or without prior notice. The user is aware of and accepts the fact that Deeps Gear cannot be considered responsible for it or for third parties with regard to any amendment, suspension or interruption of the Website.


Company Information

Deeps Gear® is a trademark owned by Overmake srl. 
VAT no. IT 12645021002
Head office: Via degli Olmetti 44A B9 – 00060 Formello – Italy
Rome Business Registry no. 12645021002 
Economic and Administrative Index no. RM - 1391096

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